
Ready to surpass your goals and reclaim your confidence?

Good. Because that's kinda our thing!

Each of our services is thoughtfully designed to help you or your child break free from limiting beliefs or roadblocks and reach the next level of personal and academic success.

Explore Our Services

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We offer one-on-one tutoring and academic coaching services for the following subject areas: elementary math, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, reading, spelling, Spanish, study skills, time management, and ADD/ADHD resources. Most tutoring experiences are a minimum of 6 weeks.

The Price: 

Starting at $40/hr in-person within 10 mile radius | $50/hr in-person outside 10 mile radius | $30/hr online

*Don’t see your need listed? We offer additional subject areas, please inquire for a custom quote!

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Academic Coaching

We offer one-on-one academic coaching to help you learn how to learn—no matter the subject! We can work on developing skills to study well, edit your own work, practice note-taking, design an organization system for learning new or difficult topics, and more depending on your needs. Most tutoring experiences are a minimum of 12 weeks.

The Price: 

Starting at $40/hr in-person within 10 mile radius | $50/hr in-person outside 10 mile radius | $30/hr online

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Music Lessons

Learning music is a very personal journey. While some of our techniques apply to all clients, we adapt our teaching to the student’s needs. We offer music lessons for the following areas: voice, piano, and music theory. Most music lessons are a minimum of three months.

The Price:

Starting at $40/hr

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We offer consulting services for editing, writing, proofreading, and test prep. Most consulting experiences are long-term unless they are project specific. We can also help develop a curriculum, exercises designed specifically for you, and more for home school students, self-paced learning, and extracurricular activities.

The Price:

Starting at $40/hr (project rates available, inquire for a custom quote)

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From grammar to style or design we can take the revision, editing, or proofreading off your plate which gives you more time to focus on the part you likely enjoy, the actual writing.

The Price:

Editing services require a custom quote. We’d love to hear about what you’re working on and see if we can help!

Sounds great! How does it work?

The Process

Step 1: Get in touch!

Fill out our contact form, call or text us at (843) 619-2311, or send us an email at Tell us about yourself, your needs, and your goals! 

Step 2: Consultation Call

We’ll call you so we can get to know each other, answer any questions, and see if we’re a good fit to work together. We want to be able to genuinely help you succeed. If we can’t, we’ll do our best to refer you to a colleague who might be a better fit! 

Step 3: Let’s do this!

We’ll schedule your first session and send you more information via email to prepare for our time together.

Our relationship is sure to thrive if you...

  • Are open to receiving advice and trying new ways of learning
  • Genuinely want to learn, develop, and grow
  • Put in the time and effort we ask of you in order to improve

Frequently Asked Questions

We love and encourage curiosity!

How soon can you meet?

We will work you into our schedule as quickly as we can. If our schedule does not match well with your availability, we will refer you to someone else.

My child hasn’t done well learning online, how is online tutoring different?

Online classrooms are not easy for many students. Online tutoring is one-on-one which means we can go as slow or as fast as a student needs, students can ask as many questions as they want, and we can pay close attention to their behavior as they work. What might be accidentally missed when you’re one of 20+ faces on screen is almost impossible to miss one-on-one.

Why do you charge more for in-person tutoring? Isn’t the instruction the same?

Yes. All of our clients receive the same level of instruction, involvement, and dedication regardless of how the meeting happens. In person clients are paying for us to spend extra time coming to their house or workplace, bringing supplies, and then traveling back home. The extra cost helps pay for that time we can’t spend preparing for a session or helping another client because we are traveling.

Does an adult need to be there during a child’s lesson?

We encourage you to have an adult nearby, especially if your child is learning online. This can make the child feel more comfortable and help us navigate any technical challenges. We do offer short meet and greets for our youngest clients prior to their first session.

How can you help me learn if you don’t understand the subject?

It’s true, we can’t tutor what we don’t know. We can, however, help you try different strategies and practice good study skills for any subject: This is the difference between academic coaching and tutoring. If you don’t have a lot of experience studying or teaching yourself, then we can help you learn how to do that, regardless of the topic.



*Please Note: We are never alone with a child. If another adult cannot be close by (in the next room), we will get your consent and record either the audio or visual of the lesson for your records.

Don’t see your question listed above? No problem! Drop us a line at or text us directly at 843-532-5648 or 843-303-7274